Let’s say you’re pulling ids from a database in batches and you want to combine these batches into one big array.

One approach might use spread with Array::push:

const allUserIds: string[] = []

for await (const batchUserIds of getUserIds()) {

// use allUserIds

But there’s a problem, if batchUserIds is too long, JS will raise a RangeError!

The max number of arguments, and in turn the max length of batchUserIds, depends on the JS implementation.

So there are somewhat abitrary limits that depend on the browser, which MDN warns about.

MDN is also kind enough to offer a solution, use smaller chunks when using .apply or ... (spread).

And if we update our code with a little help from Lodash’s chunk:

const MAX_JS_ARGS = 65_537
const MAX_SPREAD_BATCH_SIZE = Math.floor(MAX_JS_ARGS / 2)

const allUserIds: string[] = []

for await (const batchUserIds of getUserIds()) {
  chunk(batchUserIds, MAX_SPREAD_BATCH_SIZE).forEach(subBatch => {

// use allUserIds

No more RangeError!

TL;DR: watch out for large arrays when spreading