
So an API endpoint is slow and you want to fix it.

Where do you start?

You could look at the code for something suspicious, but what would be even better is to have something tell you exactly where the slowdown is occurring.

py-spy to the rescue!

Now you might say, “what about cProfile?”. cProfile works but it doesn’t produce a pretty flamegraph and isn’t as easy to setup.

Using py-spy

With py-spy’s record command we can create a flamegraph of the python process’s stack info, which will let us see which functions are taking up the most time.

The command looks like follows:

sudo py-spy record --pid $PYTHON_PID --output trace.svg

As you can see we need to get our python processes’ pid. If you’re running a django server locally it’s easy enough to pstree | grep runserver which should give something like the following:

❯ pstree | grep runserver
 | | |   |-+= 59368 steve /usr/local/Cellar/python/3.7.6/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/Resources/Python.app/Contents/MacOS/Python /Users/steve/projects/recipeyak/.venv/bin/yak django runserver
 | | |   | \--- 59371 steve /usr/local/Cellar/python/3.7.6/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/Resources/Python.app/Contents/MacOS/Python /Users/steve/projects/recipeyak/.venv/bin/yak django runserver
 | | |--- 66417 steve grep --color=always runserver

note: the project I’m using to test py-spy wraps the django commands in a cli, but the output is similar if you use ./manage.py instead.

Anyways back to the results, there are 3. We can discount our grep query, but now we left with two seemingly identical runserver commands. Which one do we want?

We can see from pstree that 59371 is the child process of 59368. Django runserver creates the file watcher process which reloads the dev server on file changes. A consequence of server reload is that each time the files change, the dev server process is replaced, meaning you’ll need to find the new pid.

We want a trace from the dev http server so we’ll plug the child process’s pid into our call to py-spy:

sudo py-spy record --pid 59371 --output trace.svg

Now that we have our py-spy command, we’ll need an easy way to exercise our problamtic endpoint. curl works and if you’re using a web ui to call your api you can use copy as curl from your browser of choice’s network tab.

Tracing Time

We first start py-spy and then call the endpoint via curl.

Then we can ^C and py-spy will write the flamegraph to the output file, which we can view in a browser.

Here’s an example:

Note: it’s best to open in another tab so the JS embedded in the svg works.


So in the flamegraph we’re looking for our project’s code. Following the middleware calls down we find our view get_slow_list_view (core/recipes/views.py:243), which we can click to take up the full width of the window.

The view takes 48.62% of the time of the entire trace, this forms our baseline.

In the view we can see that there is one call taking the majority of the time, get_recipe_name (core/recipes/views.py:236) coming in at 44.95% of the entire trace or 44.95% / 48.62% ≈ 92% of the view.

Now we know we should checkout the get_recipe_name function on line 236.

The code is as follows:

class IngredientSerializerListView(serializers.ModelSerializer):
    recipe_name = serializers.SerializerMethodField()

    class Meta:
        model = Ingredient
        fields = (

    # Hello N+1 query :D
    def get_recipe_name(self, obj):
        return obj.recipe.name

def get_slow_list_view(request: Request) -> Response:
    queryset = Ingredient.objects.all()[:150]
    return Response(IngredientSerializerListView(queryset, many=True).data)

In this example code we’re accessing a related tables’ column, which django will load on access by making a database query. Since django will make this database query for each item of the list view, this is an N+1 query.

We can reduce these N extra database calls to 1 by adding a .prefetch_related() call to our query:

diff --git a/backend/core/recipes/views.py b/backend/core/recipes/views.py
index 9b48f728..2f3d7d09 100644
--- a/backend/core/recipes/views.py
+++ b/backend/core/recipes/views.py
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ class IngredientSerializerListView(
 def get_slow_list_view(request: Request) -> Response:
-    queryset = Ingredient.objects.all()[:150]
+    queryset = Ingredient.objects.all().prefetch_related("recipe")[:150]
     return Response(IngredientSerializerListView(queryset, many=True).data)

In the resulting flamegraph we can see most of the time is now spent in serializing the data & the initial database queries:


Success! 🥳


While this example is a little contrived, let’s imagine a scenario where one dev creates the list endpoint and the serializer in a way that doesn’t make a database call for each item it’s serializing.

Then another dev comes along looking to fetch a similar structure of data from the DB for their detail view. But wait, they need an extra related field so they add the get_recipe_name method. The serializer is fast enough for their detail view, and the time of an extra db query isn’t noticeable, but with this minor change the pre-existing list view performance has tanked.

There must be a better way, some way to stop these queries in serializers, and there is but that’s another post.