
Let’s imagine we have a function that fetches an Organization by its id like follows:

interface IOrg {
  readonly id: string
  readonly messagingService: string
  readonly createdTs: number

function getOrganization(id: string): IOrg {
  // ...

Let’s also envision a world where our data model has the Org['id'] set to the Org['messagingService'] for almost all Orgs except a couple. In this alternative reality, we could pass in the messagingService as the id and the id for the messagingService and we’d be fine for most Orgs, but there is a bug. Eventually we’d get a customer complaint, but hopefully the error reporting service would notify us first.

Ideally we’d remove the messagingService field and be done with it, but we can’t because it’s used almost as much as the id field.

So how can we ensure that users of this API don’t use id and messagingService interchangeably?


If we define a newtype for the id and a newtype for the messagingService then we won’t be able to pass one in place of the other.

Some languages have newtype support built in.


In Rust, we can create a single element struct tuple which serves as the newtype.

struct OrgId(String);

fn get_organization(id: OrgId) {

fn main() {
    // error[E0308]: mismatched types
    //  --> src/main.rs:8:22
    //   |
    // 8 |     get_organization("foo".to_string());
    //   |                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected struct `OrgId`, found struct `std::string::String`
    //   |
    //   = note: expected type `OrgId`
    //              found type `std::string::String`

    let org_id = OrgId("foo".to_string());



Mypy also supports new types like follows:

from typing import NewType

OrgId = NewType('OrgId', str)

def get_organization(id: OrgId):

# main.py:8: error: Argument 1 to "get_organization" has incompatible type "str"; expected "OrgId"
# Found 1 error in 1 file (checked 1 source file)

org_id = OrgId("foo")


That’s great and all but what about TypeScript?

We could use a library like:

or we could scour the TypeScript issue tracker for solutions.

Let’s look at what the issue tracker has to offer in TypeScript#4895 (playground)

declare const OpaqueTagSymbol: unique symbol
declare class OpaqueTag<S extends symbol> {
  private [OpaqueTagSymbol]: S
type Opaque<T, S extends symbol> = (T & OpaqueTag<S>) | OpaqueTag<S>

// Usage

declare const OrgIdSymbol: unique symbol
type OrgId = Opaque<string, typeof OrgIdSymbol>

interface IOrg {
  readonly id: OrgId
  // ...

function getOrganization(id: IOrg["id"]) {
  // ...

// Argument of type '"foo"' is not assignable to parameter of type
// 'Opaque<string, unique symbol>'.(2345)

const orgId = "foo" as IOrg["id"]

With this newtype setup we can no longer pass any variable with type string for the id parameter, we can only pass in IOrg["id"]. Success! 🥳


Be mindful of your data model. Let the compiler help you by using newtypes.